As you take a look around people these days, you’ll find 90 out of 100 are wearing a fitness tracker. These tech-savvy wearable pieces track our daily physical activity and give us a fitness goal for the day to keep driven and active.
You must have heard about ‘10,000 steps every day to stay fit.’ Now, how did someone come up with this exact amount? Does it prove to work in real or it is simply a myth?
This 10,000-step goal was believed to have originated in Japan during the 1960s when a Japanese watchmaker built a pedometer and titled it Manpo-Kei. Manpo-Kei translates to 10,000 step meter. As soon as this slogan garnered immense popularity worldwide, it developed into a fitness goal, later adopted by the medical community.
Many studies, meanwhile, have shown that 10,000 steps daily is no magic number, however, it sure is an ideal indicator of how much activity a person must achieve a day. Walking more and more steps is typically associated with losing weight and becoming fat to the fitter. A study of Body Mass Index (BMI), steps per day, weight, and other indicators for both men and women shows that people who attain more pedometer steps on daily basis weigh lesser, and had a lower BMI.
Whether 10,000-step pedometer is an ideal goal for everybody has been debated across several health experts. According to the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10,000 steps daily can serve as a reasonable goal for fit and healthy grownups. However, as opposed to a step target, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week coupled with two days (at least) of muscle-strengthening exercises.
Well, suggestion taken!
If you are a fitness enthusiast, you must have been told by your trainer to burn at least 200-300 calories on the treadmill or cross-trainer post a strenuous muscle-strengthening workout. Why so? If you are walking 10,000 steps daily with 3,000 of these steps speedily, you are burning enough calories.
However, how much calories you burn by walking is determined primarily by how much you weigh and secondarily at what pace you walk. Typically, a mile takes 2,000 to 2,500 steps to complete and it burns about 80 calories to walk it for a 150-pound person. Therefore, how much calories walking 10,000 steps burns exactly, depends on your weight. Typically, it burns between 250 and 600 calories. If you want to estimate for yourself, you can use steps to calories converter chart; however, for that you must know your fairly accurate steps per mile.
The average Americans walk lesser than 5,000 steps per day, thus intending 10,000 steps daily seems a little bit unrealistic. If you are aiming to sustainably increase your exercise levels – Studies say that to go slow and steady is the key.
There’s no denying the fact that walking steps help burn more calories. However, if you don’t have an accurate idea about your calorie net caloric balance, even walking 20,000 steps won’t be enough to lose weight. One needs to understand their body composition first.

If you want to lose weight, you will want to burn more calories than you consume. This is known as a caloric deficit.
To put up an example – if your body needs 1,800 calories per day, but your daily caloric intake is 2300, you are only getting yourself a zero net caloric balance, assuming 10,000 steps equal 500 calories. It also means that those 10,000 steps are only helping you sustain your current weight, not drop it anyway.
To sum it up
Well, there are multiple ways one can burn more calories as they walk, such as by speeding up, running at intervals and also with the help of fitness walking poles. Many pedometers cannot track activities accurately, especially those that are not step-based. You may consider pedometer step counterparts such as fitness trackers as NextLevel Fit for all other activities depending on the calories burned.
The greatest height reached climbing stairs in 12 hours was 33,000 feet by Chris Solarz of Philadelphia, USA. Solarz climbed 58,080 stairs.